Saturday, July 7, 2007

And the Word of the Day is...

IDIOT. I know, how old am I?? And I used it TWICE today. Once with my husband, and once with my sister (out loud anyway - there were quite a bit more internal "idiots" going on.) My dear, sweet husband let me sleep in a bit this morning. If you've read Tina's blog you'll know why I needed to sleep in. Long story short - BLAST of an evening out on the town with 6 hot, young Eastern European chicks and my BF. Pulled into the driveway at 2:20 something, went straight to bed - which, of course means I fell asleep around 4ish (tried to fall asleep without any drugs because I was pretty tired after walking around for hours.) One more crazy drug concoction (taken at 3:40ish) later I finally fell asleep. Wow, is there ANY way back to my original story from here? Glenn gets up with the kids and I sleep until 10:40. Then he watched them while I went to Dunkin Donuts. Donuts for the kids (and yes, TWO for me) a large iced coffee for me and a medium for him and a donut for him (mind you, he had already eaten breakfast, I had not.) Home again. Glenn goes to bed while I chase the kids around. I eat one of my donuts, drink my whole coffee and head out to the pool with the crazies. I'm out there for hours, running on coffee & a donut dreaming the whole time about that second donut. I come inside starving (this is around 4, the first donut was around 11) drooling over the donut I'm already eating in my mind. Open the box... there is HIS nasty donut where mine should have been!! HE ATE MY DONUT!! I know, I know, I shouldn't be eating a donut for breakfast AND lunch, but I was planning on eating plenty of veggies for dinner at my mom's (yeah right, but still.) So begins an argument with my darling spouse (if I could make these words DRIP with sarcasm as you read them, I would - could someone please show me the button for that?)
So, on to the second idiot. Today was my niece's 6th birthday. My sister wouldn't have even told me about the party if we hadn't been at my mom's the other night for the post fourth bash and she hadn't mentioned that she doesn't think anyone she had INVITED was coming... I wouldn't have even known about it!! ARRG. Anyway, that night she never even said what time it was OR officially invited me. So today, there's a missed call from her at 9 a.m. I called her back at 11 - no answer (of course, that !%$^ never answers her phone.) She calls me back at 12:48, after my kids have been swimming all morning and are desperately in need of a nap, and tells me that the party is at 1. ONE. Yes, that is exactly TWELVE minutes away (about how far the party is from my house.) Have I mentioned I have four little boys, ages 3 and under?! Hence, the 2nd "IDIOT" of the day.
I did end up going to the party. I want to explain the whole thing, but this is already painfully boring, I can feel it. I want to explain the internal "idiots" I called my sister when she said she wouldn't do the cake or presents without us, then told me when I was five minutes away that the party was over. But I don't want to rehash it too much, I get angry all over again, and the rest of the day wasn't so bad. It was really nice. I ended up going into the party, even though I wanted to just drop off the kids and leave. It was at my parents' house. The party was over, but the kids still got to eat cake. They had a good time, and once my heart melted a little, I enjoyed it. Then I loaded them all up, brought them home, and we all seeded the front lawn. :) Oh, I SO badly need to use this cliche:
"All's well that ends well!"
Hey, is it a cliche if I've never used it before in my life? I guess it still is. Oh well.


Tina said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I loved this post. So funny. I'm sitting here w/ Dasha waiting for pictures to upload...taking FOREVER. And what the heck did your post mean about the cheese? Are you drinking?

Tina said...

HAHAHAHAHA! NOW I REMEMBER. How is it that you can remember THAT but not a Jake school day. I think you do drink on the side and you're keeping it a secret from me. I SUCK. I stayed up till 4 am. Couldn't sleep and of course Dasha-the-always-awake supergirl was stil away so I baked and watched the LAKE HOUSE. Don't know how I feel about it. I'm so torn on whether I love it or hate it. And I think I'm confused too. Sigh! Are you gonna be there tonight? Can we go together if you have bb sitter?

Tina said...

PS. OMG, I have to tell you something.

Tina said...

What's the word of the day today? Huh, huh, huh, what is it, what is it?