Thursday, February 28, 2008

Laughing Through the Tears

I've never seen anything like it. The Face to Face service for John was today. The chapel was full of lives he impacted. I overheard more stories, and remembered some of my own. The best part of the whole thing was that everyone who got up to speak had some funny story to tell about him. We all knew him as the biggest goofball and prankster. He was serious about his call and his Savior. What an example he was. The service was so anointed, and struck a chord with many of us. Who is going to step up? What a challenge! I don't know how many people it's going to take to fill his shoes (of course, they can never be filled!) Missionary. Youth worker. Friend to many. Missionary. There was a man in front of me who was from his ministry in the inner city of Baltimore. I couldn't bear to see his body wracked with sobs. But, by the end of the service, with tears still running down his face, he was laughing with the rest of us at one of John's antics.

I started typing this the other day, and can't finish it; but I want to post it anyway. Tina's post on it is way better, and since we share a brain (and her half is way better), I want you to read hers instead of mine....



Tina said...

You're too funny. I'm always jealous of your writings. You are WAY better at it than I am. You have such an incredible gift. Some days I don't even feel like writing.. I just wanna link to you and say "I have nothing interesting to say today.. please go read..."

I'm so glad that we got to share this moment together. I am excited and motivated to walk with God, live to the fullest... and have you by my side as my dearest friend. I normally hate funerals but this was different.. it was life to me and I know that God used it for me to grow and get closer to Him.

Thank you for being one of the people that I know will always be around. When I feel like quitting, I look to your life. You never withdraw or give up and I admire you.

I hope you know how much I value your friendship!

Melissa said...

It sounds like you had an amazing person in your life. Now you have the wonderful gift and opportunity to take what you have learned from him and apply it :)